When our treasure is stored in Heaven, it cannot be stolen or destroyed. Jesus calls us to move our allegiances from earthly to heavenly and that begins with an understanding of who God is and how he loves and cares for his children.
Read MoreGod has made himself available to you in full through Jesus. Fasting allows you to place all distractions aside and see him more clearly. Fasting is not transactional, it’s relational and approaching it with an honest heart is crucial to understanding and enjoying its rewards.
Read MoreBecause God wants a relationship with his children he has given them access through prayer. This communication isn’t only one of adoration and thanksgiving but of petitions as well. Here, Jesus shows his followers how to pray for themselves.
Read MoreFollowers of Jesus have been given the priceless gift of intimate communication with their Father. He teaches us here the heart we ought to have in order to receive this gift.
Read MoreIn 2020 we will be a river of life flowing through Queens, giving Jesus - the living water - to all who come and drink. We will carry the water to our hearts and then to our neighbors.
Read MoreA thirst for God begins with a recognition of the stagnant ponds we are currently being satisfied in and continues by coming to drink from the living water. Jesus carries the water to us, free to all, and out of us flow rivers of life.
Read MoreEmbracing enemy love begins with resisting retaliation because we cannot love those with whom we seek revenge. It doesn’t stop there; we must then insist on love. This involves actively pursuing others with loving kindness and praying for those who we tend to hate.
Read MoreLust is a sin that enters through our eyes but damages our heart and entices action with our hands. Jesus desires for our souls to be kept pure, even if it means going to great lengths to make that happen.
Read MoreTwo of the most unique characteristics of a follower of Jesus are their ability to bring preservation, and light to the world around them. Jesus’ words here give us the confidence we need to know we are living with a Higher Purpose.
Read MoreMerciful, pure, and peacemaking are who we are in Christ. We move from the beatitudes of need into the beatitudes of action by way of our hunger for righteousness.
Read MoreThe meek will inherit the earth because God has designed his kingdom to come through his ways and not man’s. The meek are selfless with their strength and come to possess what God has planned for them by asserting themselves for the good of others. This emptying of oneself produces a hunger and thirsting after God, who will always satisfy like nothing else can.
Read MoreMourning is a healthy practice for followers of God. Through this we learn that, although our sin grieves God and has real consequences, he is One who always comforts those who seek him through mourning.
Read MoreThe only citizens of the kingdom of heaven are those who have emptied themselves so as to be filled with the Holy Spirit. To be poor in spirit doesn’t mean to think less of yourself but think of yourself less.
Read MoreThe Sermon on the Mount isn’t a new moral code or a behavioral guide for Christians. It is a description of your new identity in Christ, this is who you are as a new creation. Our response is to turn and face the portrait of a disciple and let it reshape who we are.
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