NEW Location this Sunday! 47th St/Northern Blvd
When was the last time God showed up so big in your life you had to burst out in praise? If it hasn’t happened in a while keep reading and get your favorite worship jam ready!
After an incredibly exciting launch last Sunday we are looking forward to what God has in store here at Queens Church. On Monday morning at around 9 AM I got a phone call from the assistant principal at PS 151 letting me know that due to circumstances outside of his control and ours we would not be able to meet inside the school for the foreseeable future, effective immediately.
You see, when God starts doing work, the enemy starts pushing back. But we serve a powerful God who has a big plan that includes transforming lives in our neighborhood through this church! Praise God with us that he has already provided a space right in the neighborhood for us to meet - and he did it in a pretty amazing way! As we kept praying we began searching and calling potential places and finally found a hit. I was on the phone with a Partner at a creative studio called Colorwerx when he began telling me about how God has been moving and changing him a lot recently through the church he has been attending with his wife. He went on to explain that he would “love to have a church meeting in his space every week!”
Wow. Did I hear that correctly? Danny, Summer, and I locked up the Center and walked straight there to meet with Sergio and his team. Although the space has its challenges and it will take some adjustments by our team it is beautiful (pictures below) and in great proximity to everyone who has already been attending plus it opens us up to thousands more who live within an easy walking distance.
My grandfather once told me, “Don’t be surprised when God does what he promises.” God has promised to build his church, in fact he said even the gates of hell cannot overcome his power to make this happen. Church, do not be discouraged by this curveball. God knew. He had already been working behind the scenes to make sure Queens Church had a home and to continue his mission to use us to transform lives in our neighborhood. This didn’t surprise him so lets not be surprised that God has taken care of us so well.
God has big plans for you. Praises up!
We cannot wait to worship with you again this Sunday! Refuse to come alone. Decide right now who you’ll invite and be bold today to make that happen.
We will see you at 11am at
Entrance + Parking
Welcome Area + Queens Kids
Welcome area + Nursery
Worship Center