A Salty Reminder

Last Sunday we talked about Getting Salty and Staying Lit. As followers of Jesus we are salt and light to the world around us. We learned that this implies that there is a measure of worth and value that we bring to our neighbors, enemies, friends, community, and the world in general.

We are called to prevent decay, add flavor, and shine a light in the darkness.

I ended the sermon the same way Jesus ends this short teaching in the Sermon on the Mount - by calling us to action. Jesus said, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” This led to our big next step: How can people know you by your actions?

Whether you made it last Sunday or not, I want to challenge you today to MOVE FORWARD in your God-given purpose to do good works that point to your Father in heaven.

What is one thing you can do today that is good for others and will send glory to God?


Don’t miss THIS Sunday when Guest Speaker, Mac Gervais will be bringing the Word from Matthew 5:17-20

Mac is a Church Planter in Houston, TX and has been a great friend of mine for almost 15 years. As always, refuse to come alone!

Larry Mayberry